Hot stone massage therapy

Precautions to Take Before Going for a Hot Stone Massage

Though hot stone massage therapy will be extremely beneficial for you, there are certain circumstances where you should avoid going for one. These people include children, cardiac patients, and pregnant women. Older adults should let their therapists know beforehand so that they can set the stones to the right temperature. Let us see some more precautions to take before going for a hot stone massage.

Loss of Sensation

If you have a condition that causes loss of sensation, like diabetes, neuropathy, peripheral vascular disorder, and high blood pressure, avoid getting a hot stone massage. Also, if you have an injury or trauma period where any nerves were affected, or you are in your post-surgery phase, do not get a hot stone massage.

Certain Medications

Consider the medications that you regularly take before getting the hot stone massage. Avoid it if you are on blood thinners and your medications have heat-related side effects.

Depressed Immune System

Though a hot stone massage can help you feel rejuvenated, it is not recommended if you have a depressed immune system. Consult with your doctor if you have Epstein Barr, lupus, cancer, or mononucleosis.

Skin Condition

The added heat of hot stone massage can irritate many skin conditions. This includes burns, psoriasis, skin cancer, acne, eczema, dermatitis, and shingles. This is also true if you have any areas of weekend or inflamed skin.

Recent Surgery or Treatments

Hot stone massage can relieve pain. However, you should not get one if you recently underwent surgery, chemotherapy, or other radiation treatment.

The hot stone massage is also not suitable for people with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy, and autoimmune dysfunctions. Menopausal women and people with sunburns should also avoid hot stone massage since it can trigger hot flashes. So, if you have any of these conditions, refrain from hot stone massages. Instead, You may go for foot reflexology or a full body massage to relieve tension and stress.

Precautions to Take When Considering Hot Stone Massage

Make sure that the masseuse is well-trained for this message. Hot stone massage requires more skills and finesse that many licensed masseuses find difficult to handle. So contact the spa beforehand to inquire about a hot stone massage. This will help you get the best massage experience from the best masseuse.

Ensure that you speak up at any time you feel uncomfortable in any sense. For certain people, the stones can be too hot, thus leaving them in discomfort. Stones that are too hot can even leave burns on your body. So to prevent this, voice yourself so that your masseuse knows how you like your massages to be.

To Conclude

If you have any other medical conditions, it is best that you consult with your doctor before going for a hot stone massage. Although there are many benefits to getting this treatment, it is only worth it if you can enjoy it safely. So, if you experience any of the above conditions, avoid them. Also, make sure that you take all the precautions before going in for the hot stone treatment.

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