Prenatal massage

Facts to Know About a Prenatal Massage Before You Go for One

Many pregnant women are turning to prenatal massages to deal with the physical changes and discomfort caused during pregnancy due to the physical, emotional, mental, and hormonal changes that their bodies experience.The primary goal of prenatal massages is to help pregnant women feel good as they go through this life-changing experience that includes changes in circulation, mobility, soreness, and muscle tension. Continue reading if you want to know more facts about a prenatal Massage.

Only Professional Therapists Can Give Prenatal Massages

A prenatal massage includes the use of traditional massage techniques to maintain the well-being of the mother and unborn child. While some massages apply more pressure to relieve discomfort, others apply less pressure to help with relaxation. It is best if you seek only licensed massage therapists who have received adequate training to give prenatal massage.

Only a properly trained professional will know the areas of your body to avoid based on your condition and stage of pregnancy. So look only for experienced, qualified, and licensed massage therapists who will know the proper techniques and can position your pregnant body. It would be best if they customize your treatment according to your needs. Also, make sure that you inform them of any health conditions you have or any medications you take.

Prenatal Massages are Effective at Pain Relief and Reducing Swelling

Your abdomen pushes outward as the baby grows, thus changing your posture and realigning the center of gravity over your hips. This causes stress on the muscles and joints, leading to shoulder, neck, pelvis, lower back, or sciatic nerve pain. However, prenatal massage therapy can relieve these aches and leg pain. Swelling is common during pregnancy and usually occurs in the ankles, feet, and legs as the uterus grows since it puts pressure on veins in the legs. However, prenatal Massage can be extremely effective in reducing fluid buildup.

Prenatal Massage can Reduce Stress and Improve Your Sleep

Fatigue, anxiety, physical discomfort, and stress during pregnancy can lead to sleeping difficulties. Hence, many pregnant women go for prenatal massages since it helps improve their sleep quality and deal with insomnia. It also contributes to enhanced immune function and decreased stress hormone levels.

Prenatal Massage is Best Option During the Second and Third Trimester

It would be better to consider getting a prenatal Massage during this stage of your pregnancy. Though they are safe and have no evidence associating massages with miscarriage, many professionals avoid massages for women in their first trimester. This is because the overall risk of miscarriage is highest during this stage and if your pregnancy is high-risk or complicated due to preeclampsia, blood clotting, or high blood pressure.

Consider Post-Pregnancy Massage

You may also consider post-pregnancy Massage as it can help in quicker recovery, discomfort, stress reduction, swelling, and pain relief. You may also use breast pumps to help you during your nursing sessions as they can help you be comfortable and take less time pumping breast milk. Their movement also alleviates any discomfort associated with breastfeeding.

Final Thoughts

The benefits of prenatal massages can improve a woman’s health during pregnancy. It would be better to consult with your prenatal care team or an obstetrician before you start with a prenatal massage and enjoy its benefits.